Phorom Terms & Rules |
Phorom Site Terms & Rules Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index. Although the administrators and moderators of Phorom Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author. Phorom Forums will not be held responsible for the content of any message. Phorom Forums retains the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
By becoming a member you agreed to adhere to these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to change and a current version is always available in the forums. If you come across any violations to these guidelines or have any problems navigating the site, do not hesitate to let us know via email or the forums. This page was last updated on 08/16/2022.
Dealing with Troublesome Users |
Mute them.
Click on the user name, and click the red mute icon.
You will no longer see anything they post.
(You can always unmute them later!)
Member Points |
Forum members can gain and lose points (a.k.a. "Gold") for various activities. This is an important part of keeping the forums spam-free and annoyance-free (as well as usable in the CSRPG!) You receive points when:
You lose points when:
As you gain points, you are able to do more on the forums
As you gain points, you are able to do less
Once you are comfortably above 100 points, you can spend spend any excess points on the Chrono Shock RPG. |
Friends & Foes |
Forum members can add other forum members as a friend, a rival, or your nemesis.
Note that this is a one-way relationship. If you add someone as a friend, they are not automatically your friend. Also note that this is a public relationship. If you add someone as a friend, they will be able to see that you added them as a friend. |
Moderator Actions |
Forum moderators have some actions they can take to make the forums better. Suspending a member: This gives a member a temporary timeout. The member can log in and edit thier profile, but they are unable to post or take other actions (such as rating threads/posts, or voting in polls). Suspensions can last for days or weeks. Locking a member account: This is like a permanent suspensions. A locked member account additionally cannot edit any of thier own account info. This is for bots and spammers. Deleting a member account: This is only available to admins. This deletes all of a user's posts and personal information. |
Spam Prevention |
This forum has advanced spam-prevention features. Auto-locking If a the spam-detection system determines that a new thread is spam, it will auto-lock it. Auto-deleting If a thread trips the highest level of spam detection (something that is obviously spam), it is deleted rather than being locked. Disliking You can help by disliking spam posts. |
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Forum software Copyright © 2022-2025 EH Software.
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Forum Stats |
This forum has been visited 443,410 times (unique IPs per day). |
viviForum |
This forum is powered by viviForum. Phorom was founded October 4, 2022. Made and hosted in the US. 🇺🇸 |